Den gleichnamigen Titelsong des morgen erscheinenden Albums Dominator
(Affiliate-Link) gibt es bis zum 28. August 2009 zum kostenlosen Download auf der offiziellen Homepage von U.D.O.
U.D.O., die ihre Unterstützung für verschiedene Naturschutz-, Tier- und Menschenrechtsorganisationen bisher als Privatsache gehandhabt haben, kündigen auch eine Kooperation mit an und haben dazu ein Statement veröffentlicht:
Dear Fans of U.D.O.
the band always supported different organisations helping nature, animals and humans. We have been private about our beliefs and not done this in publicy because we never wanted to receive more promotion for the band just while helping the poorest creatures on this planet. F.e. only a few people know what Fitty did for some russian children…..!
Now we changed our mind and have decided to use our limited influence to generate more interest in the work of this wonderful organisations worldwide and to make sure they can continue with their work. We don´t care if the organisations support campaigns in Russia, Germany or South America. We´re all people of the ONE planet and we have to take care that this fragile planet has a chance to survive. It´s up to every single individual to save this world. YES WE CAN!!!!!
The band travels a lot and we see many problems all over this planet and in nearly every country children, nature and animals get treated very badly, even our closest friends like dogs, cats and apes. It´s not just in the neighbourhood like Spain, Rumania, Russia, Italy but also in Germany. It is everywhere and animals have NO rights. Animals have NO lobbyism at all and get treated in
the worst possible way. EU politicians f.e. discuss if a stupid banana has to be straight or how much it might be crooked to be allowed to be sold in the EU but they are not willing to create a european wide law to save the animals……???? How stupid is that? It´s just because of money and power.Each cigarette you smoke cuts down your lungs. What can you do without your lungs? You die…but at the end of the day THIS is your personal decision! BUT eachvtree we cut down in South America (or anywhere else on this planet) will cut down our oxigen! Well you all know what will happen without oxygen! Right, we ALL gonna DIE!!!! So please help to save the lungs of the world, help to
stop the criminals who are cutting off the lungs of the world.Friends and fans, we want you to help this organisation to score all their goals. Support them (and support doesn´t just mean to spend money) of course they need money as well. They need YOUR help writing protest mails to politicians and responsible people, support them with your vote and your voice. Don´t buy any products just because they are cheap. „Cheap“ most likely means that
someone else has to pay the difference with deepest pain! Take care about the environment, help to avoid garbage and try to save water. Be fair to other humans and treat the animals like friends and not like shit! There are so many things we have to take care of…..Don´t look away! The pain is everywhere and children, nature and animals can´t help themselves against the exploitative business guys and politicians.
They need our help!!!!!
Further activities will follow during the tour. Watch out!