My Ruin: Studioaufnahmen für das neue Album „Ghosts And Good Stories“

MY RUIN - Mick Murphy & Tairrie B
MY RUIN - Mick Murphy & Tairrie B

Die Band My Ruin hat sich im Studio verschanzt, um neue Songs aufzunehmen. Nun gibt es ein kurzes Update von Tairrie B. und Mick Murphy zu ihren Studioaufnahmen für das Album „Ghosts And Good Stories“, welches 2010 bei Tiefdruck-Musik erscheinen wird. Der zweite Teil des Studiotagebuchs wurde heute veröffentlicht – den ersten Teil könnt Ihr der MySpace-Seite der Band im Blog nachlesen. Auch der offizielle My Ruin Youtube Kanal wird regelmäßig mit Videos aus dem Studio gefüttert.


Studio Update #2

MY RUIN — the Los Angeles based rock duo featuring lead screamer Tairrie B and husband/guitarist Mick Murphy — have been hard at work in the studio last month recording its sixth full-length album, „Ghosts and Good Stories“, for an early 2010 release via Tiefdruck-Musik.

Commented Mick: “I’ve recently finished recording all of the guitar tracks which has been a lot of fun, and a very relaxed and productive experience working with Josh Lynch [who is co-engineering and co-producing this with me]. He is a true professional with a trained ear, strong production skills and a great sense of humor. I’ve known Josh for over a decade because we both worked at a Hollywood recording studio back in the late ‘90s. We had a blast tracking guitars and got some sick and smokin’ tones. Once we started recording we just clicked in and worked really quickly and efficiently together. Entourage is a very high quality old school studio with all the right gear to get the warmest and biggest sounds which is exactly what we’re looking for.”

“I used all my own gear this time and I’m really happy with the sounds we’ve got so far on everything. The main guitars I used were my 78 Cherry Burst Gibson RD Artist and my 07 Black BC Rich Mockingbird Special but I also used my 71 Cherry Burst Gibson Les Paul and 07 White BC Rich Mockingbird Special on some solos. I ran my Mesa Boogie Stilleto Trident 150 watt head through the top Marshall 4×12 cab from my stack [which I’ve had for 18 years and still sounds incredible] on the 4 ohm setting and cranked up the fluid drive channel and went from there. I also used the Korg AX3000G floor processor as my tuner and for a little added distortion, overdrive, fuzz, wah, phaser & echo. I’m very excited about the new material and we have 12 original songs plus one cover that make a strong 13 track record with lots of good loud rock and a few unexpected surprises. Once the bass is finished soon, Tairrie will be starting her vocal tracking and giving the songs her fire on that side of things. In the meantime, she’s been there with me documenting and bringing her energy to the sessions and we’ve both been really enjoying ourselves. It’s great to finally be making the record we’ve always wanted to make and we’re looking forward to working with our new label who are as excited as we are about the new album.“

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