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Interview: Roy Mayorga – Drummer von Stone Sour

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Gerade geht’s Schlag auf Schlag… Und heute kommt der nächste Kracher für Euch: Ich habe Roy Mayorga, Drummer von STONE SOUR interviewed! Er hat einen Tipp für Euch, wenn Ihr es als junge Band schaffen wollt, er erklärt was für ein Konzept hinter dem neusten Album „Hydrograd(*) steckt (welches von Jay Ruston produziert wurde!) und was sie für ein Verhältnis zu den Jungs von Steel Panther haben. Wer spottet wen in den Videos unten?! ?


Hi Roy, thank you very much for your time! How are you doing?

Roy Mayorga:

Great ? How are you?


You released your sixth album called „Hydrograd“ – what’s the concept/main idea behind this record?

Roy Mayorga:

The concept and main idea was to get together as a band, have fun and write the best songs we can. Also it was the first time we all recorded live in the studio together as before we would record in sections so that really added a lot more life to this recording.


How did you came up with the name for it?

Roy Mayorga:

Corey came up with that in a jet lag haze running through an airport somewhere in Europe and in his state of mind at the time he had a hallucination and thought he saw that title on a gate. It stuck out in his mind for a long time and I guess he liked the idea that it came from that very moment and went with it as the title of the record.


How happy are you with the success of the record?

Roy Mayorga:

Very happy. ? we have the best fans out there. Their support on this record and everyone before means the world to us. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them.


Tell me about the formation process!

Roy Mayorga:

This time around we just emailed song ideas to each other and work out our parts and then every few months we get together at my studio and work out the idea and record them. We would record like a batch of 4-6 songs at a time and move on from there. Corey would come in when he had breaks from Slipknot and write lyrics and record. Once we were all done with that process we would have about over 25 songs and then pick the best out of those and refocus on them. Soon after that we go right to a real recording studio and go for it.



You’ve been on tour with Steel Panther and played in each others music videos. I loved it and laughed a lot!! I’m sure it was fun recording…

Roy Mayorga:

Yeah we love those guys. They are definitely he most fun to hang out with.


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What’s your relationship with the guys from Steel Panther? Where did you get to know each other?

Roy Mayorga:

Actually I first met Michael Starr and Satchel about 18 years ago at the “Whiskey A Go Go” in Los Angeles when I first moved there. I was working part time as a front of house sound engineer while they were in a Van Halen cover band called “Atomic Punks”. Needless to say they were fucking amazing. I mixed them a bunch of times and became great friends with them. From there they went on to forming an early version of “Steel Panther” called “Metal Shop” which became a residency at a club called “VIPER Room” and then moved to an even bigger club called “K CLUB“. They exploded after that and Then changed their name to “Steel Panther”… The rest is history.


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You’ll also be back in Europe this year…

Roy Mayorga:

Yes for the Summer festivals.


You’ve been in the music business for such a long, long time now. What advice would you give to a young rock-band who wants to make it’s way in that tough

Roy Mayorga:

Believe in yourself, believe in the music you write. Get out there and play live as much as you can.


What are personally your main influences musically seen?

Roy Mayorga:

I love all music from classical/jazz/classic rock/soul/ electronic music/ punk/ avant garde/world music.


If you should convince a young person to listen to rock music, which song would you show him/her and why?

Roy Mayorga:

Led Zeppelin. They are one of my favorite bands of all time. Also John Bonham to me is everything. His groove and soul behind his drumming is the best in the world to me. He’s the perfect product of hard rock, soul and jazz mixed together. To understand that more I would also say to listen to drummers like Clyde Stubberfield(James Brown), Max Roach, Buddy Rich.


If you could have a fantasy dinner with three persons of your choice, no matter if real or not, alive, dead… Who would you invite?

Roy Mayorga:

Jimmy Page, Johnny Rotten, Ralf Hütter.


Thank you very much for your time Roy, I hope to see you on the road soon! The last words are yours…

Roy Mayorga:

Well thank you and I look forward to seeing everyone soon this Summer. Much love and light!

Stone Sour veröffentlichten ihr selbstbetiteltes Debütalbum 2002. 16 Jahre später sind sie noch immer da und sind aus der Rockwelt nicht mehr wegzudenken! Hier könnt Ihr die Jungs demnächst in Deutschland live erleben und Euch selbst davon überzeugen:

  • 01. – 03. Juni Rock am Ring (Tickets bei Eventim(*))
  • 01. – 03. Juni Rock im Park (Tickets bei Eventim(*))
  • 11. Juni Hannover – Swiss Life Hall (Tickets bei Eventim(*))
  • 04. Juli Leipzig – Haus Auensee (Tickets bei Eventim(*))

Eure Ornella.
Long live Rock’n’Roll!

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