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Interview – Dave Evans

Während des Child and Wild Festivals hatte Gerald Gelegenheit Dave Evans zu interviewen. Neben dem Video im Flash-Player gibt es auch eine Download-Version für den iPod Video.


Das Interview zum mitlesen im englischen O-Ton:

venue: There won’t be an AC/DC without Dave?
Dave Evans: Well thats true, there’s a beginning and the middle and the end of everything and i was there in the beginning – a fairly member of the band, i was a lead singer and without the fairly members there is no band and that’s just a fact.
venue: So it’s a fact and you enjoy it, you feel like a part of the beginning of AC/DC?
Dave Evans: Yes it was a privilege to be there and to see the band perform and to see the band on their first gigs, their first recordings, our first records, our first tours, it was really exciting and i really did enjoy AC/DC.
venue: There won’t be an Overdose without an AC/DC?
Steve Erz Nein natürlich nicht! Wir haben so angefangen, dass ich den Lee, unseren leadgitarristen, zufällig getroffen habe, bei einem ganz anderen Projekt und dann haben wir festgestellt, dass wir beide ACDC Fans sind, schon immer und dann sagt jeder: Mensch sowas wollte ich schon immer mal spielen und dann sagt der andere: Ja ich auch – Ja, dann machen wir das doch. Dann haben wir Leute gefunden und alle Münchner Musiker wollten sofort mitmachen, dass heißt du hattes freie Auswahl, weil das jeder spielen will und deshalb, ja, ohne ACDC gäbs kein Overdose.
venue: We heard a story that you’ve met over the internet – we’re an online music magazine so our users are very interested in: Did you really met over the internet?
Dave Evans: Yes, it’s true, i had a lot of e-Mails from fans all over the world from people, who want to see me, ACDC fans. So my manager looked on the internet, found Overdose, and asked them, if they’re interested in a tour with me.
venue: Is it true that you enjoy that music is stored on the internet – to hear on your homepage?
Dave Evans: Yes, on my website you can hear the music but i also did a CD a couple of years ago for the anniverary of Bon Scott’s death, it was a very special Gig in Australia.
venue: So the internet is really a medium you use?
Dave Evans: Fantastic internet, but it’s also the fans around the world, they email me on my website and i answer every single fan question personally.
venue: You’re here in Germany from august to the end of october and you do some gigs, do you enjoy it in Germany?
Dave Evans: I love it here, everybody loves heavy rock and everybody has been fantastic to me, really, the boys, everybody i ve met and it’s great, i love it.
venue: There’ll be a live recording in Osnabrück and Münster?
Dave Evans: Oh, that’s what the boys told me, so you should ask Stefan.
Stefan Erz: Ja das werden wir machen und wir werden eine ganz tolle Live-CD zusammenschneiden und die wirds es auf jeden Fall im Shop bei uns auf der Website geben und bei den Gigs wo wir spielen. Wenn ein Label uns zuschaut, wir sind natürlich interessiert, dass das Ding auch in die Läden kommt, wert wärs das auf alle Fälle.
venue: Andy from Music and More, you did a bit of the organistaion here, to bring this team to Germany, will there be more of Dave and Overdose in Germany?
Andy Newton: I hope so, there’ll be more of Dave and Overdose in Germany, it was a really great concert today, maybe too short but it was great, i hope you’ll come again.
Dave Evans: It was great, i love it. I ll play anywhere, anytime.
venue: Is it a typical projekt, that we can see established musicians and new bands joining together for some some projects?
Andy Newton: I whish to continue with that, the band is great, Dave is great so why not make a combination out of it and lets kick asses.

Interview: Gerald Zinnegger
Kamera: Ute Zinnegger
Team: Peter Heß

Gäste: Dave Evans, Stefan Erz (Overdose), Andy Netwon (Music & More)

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